tutoriais mais recente desenvolvimento web

CSS Referência

CSS Referência CSS seletores CSS Funções CSS Aural referência CSS Web Fonts Seguro CSS Animatable CSS Unidades CSS PX-EM conversor CSS cores CSS Cor valores CSS3 Suporte a navegadores

CSS propriedades

align-content align-items align-self all animation animation-delay animation-direction animation-duration animation-fill-mode animation-iteration-count animation-name animation-play-state animation-timing-function backface-visibility background background-attachment background-blend-mode background-clip background-color background-image background-origin background-position background-repeat background-size border border-bottom border-bottom-color border-bottom-left-radius border-bottom-right-radius border-bottom-style border-bottom-width border-collapse border-color border-image border-image-outset border-image-repeat border-image-slice border-image-source border-image-width border-left border-left-color border-left-style border-left-width border-radius border-right border-right-color border-right-style border-right-width border-spacing border-style border-top border-top-color border-top-left-radius border-top-right-radius border-top-style border-top-width border-width bottom box-shadow box-sizing caption-side clear clip color column-count column-fill column-gap column-rule column-rule-color column-rule-style column-rule-width column-span column-width columns content counter-increment counter-reset cursor direction display empty-cells filter flex flex-basis flex-direction flex-flow flex-grow flex-shrink flex-wrap float font @font-face font-family font-size font-size-adjust font-stretch font-style font-variant font-weight hanging-punctuation height justify-content @keyframes left letter-spacing line-height list-style list-style-image list-style-position list-style-type margin margin-bottom margin-left margin-right margin-top max-height max-width @media min-height min-width nav-down nav-index nav-left nav-right nav-up opacity order outline outline-color outline-offset outline-style outline-width overflow overflow-x overflow-y padding padding-bottom padding-left padding-right padding-top page-break-after page-break-before page-break-inside perspective perspective-origin position quotes resize right tab-size table-layout text-align text-align-last text-decoration text-decoration-color text-decoration-line text-decoration-style text-indent text-justify text-overflow text-shadow text-transform top transform transform-origin transform-style transition transition-delay transition-duration transition-property transition-timing-function unicode-bidi vertical-align visibility white-space width word-break word-spacing word-wrap z-index


Referência Apoio CSS3 Navegador

Nota referência suporte ao navegador w3ii 'é testado regularmente com todos os principais navegadores.

O suporte ao navegador CSS3

A tabela abaixo lista todas as propriedades CSS3 e seu apoio navegador:

Propriedade IEFirefoxChromeSafariOpera
align-content 11 28 21 9 12.1
align-items 11 20 21 9 12.1
align-self 11 20 21 9 12.1
@keyframes 10 16 43 9 30
animation 10 16 43 9 30
animation-name 10 16 43 9 30
animation-duration 10 16 43 9 30
animation-timing-function 10 16 43 9 30
animation-delay 10 16 43 9 30
animation-iteration-count 10 16 43 9 30
animation-direction 10 16 43 9 30
animation-play-state 10 16 43 9 30
backface-visibility 10 16 36 9 23
background-clip 9 4 4 3 10.5
background-origin 9 4 4 3 10.5
background-size 9 4 4 4.1 10
border-bottom-left-radius 9 4 5 5 10.5
border-bottom-right-radius 9 4 5 5 10.5
border-image 11 15 16 6 15
border-image-outset 11 15 15 6 15
border-image-repeat 11 15 15 6 15
border-image-slice 11 15 15 6 15
border-image-source 11 15 15 6 15
border-image-width 11 13 15 6 15
border-radius 9 4 5 5 10.5
border-top-left-radius 9 4 5 5 10.5
border-top-right-radius 9 4 5 5 10.5
box-shadow 9 4 10 5.1 10.5
box-sizing 8 29 10  5.1 9.5
break-after 10 11.1
break-before 10 11.1
column-count 10 2 50 9 37
column-fill 13
column-gap 10 2 50 9 37
column-rule 10 2 50 9 37
column-rule-color 10 2 50 9 37
column-rule-style 10 2 50 9 37
column-rule-width 10 2 50 9 37
column-span 10 50 9 37
column-width 10 2 50 9 37
columns 10 9 50 9 37
filter 13 35 18 9.1 15
flex 11 28 29 9 17
flex-basis 11 28 29 9 17
flex-direction 11 28 29 9 17
flex-flow 11 28 29 9 17
flex-grow 11 28 29 9 17
flex-shrink 11 28 29 9 17
flex-wrap 11 28 29 9 17
@font-face 9 3.6 4 3 10
font-feature-settings 10 34 16 25
font-size-adjust 3
hyphens 10 6 13 5.1
image-orientation 26
image-rendering 11.6
justify-content 11 28 29 9 17
nav-down 11.5
nav-index 11.5
nav-left 11.5
nav-right 11.5
nav-up 11.5
opacity 9 2 4 3.1 9
order 11 28 29 9 17
outline-offset 3.5 4 3 10.5
overflow-wrap 9 3.5 3 9.5
overflow-x 9 3.5 4 3 9.5
overflow-y 9 4 3 9.5
@page 8 19 5 6
perspective 10 16 36 9 23
perspective-origin 10 16 36 9 23
resize 5 4 4 15
tab-size 4 21 6.1 15
text-align-last 5.5 12 35
text-decoration-color 6
text-decoration-line 6
text-decoration-style 6
text-justify 5.5
text-overflow 6 7 4 3.1 11
text-shadow 10 3.5 4 4 9.6
transform 10 16 36 9 23
transform-origin 10 16 36 9 23
transform-style 11 16 36 9 23
transition 10 16 26 6.1 12.1
transition-delay 10 16 26 6.1 12.1
transition-duration 10 16 26 6.1 12.1
transition-property 10 16 26 6.1 12.1
transition-timing-function 10 16 26 6.1 12.1
word-break 5.5 15 4 3.1 15
word-wrap 5.5 3.5 4 3.1 10.5

Explicações ícone

Supported by Internet Explorer
Supported by Firefox
Supported by Google Chrome
Supported by Safari
Supported by Opera

Supported by Internet Explorer with the prefix -ms-
Supported by Firefox with the prefix -moz-
Supported by Google Chrome with the prefix -webkit-
Supported by Safari with the prefix -webkit-
Supported by Opera with the prefix -webkit-

Os números à direita do ícone do navegador indica em qual versão do navegador a propriedade foi apoiada pela primeira vez.