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HTML ISO-8859-1 Reference


ISO-8859-1 is the default character in HTML 4.01.

ISO (The International Standards Organization) defines the standard character sets for different alphabets/languages.

The different variants of ISO-8859 are listed at the bottom of this page.

ISO-8859-1 and ASCII

The first part of ISO-8859-1 (entity numbers from 0-127) is the original ASCII character-set. It contains numbers, upper and lowercase English letters, and some special characters.

For a closer look, please study our Complete ASCII Reference.

The codes from 128 to 159 are not in use in ISO-8859-1, but many browsers will display the characters from the ANSI (Windows-1252) character set instead of nothing.

For a closer look, please study our Complete ANSI Reference.

ISO-8859-1 Symbols

The next part of ISO-8859-1 (codes from 160-191) contains commonly used special characters.

Character Entity Number Entity Name Description
   non-breaking space
¡¡inverted exclamation mark
¦¦¦broken vertical bar
¨¨¨spacing diaeresis
ªªªfeminine ordinal indicator
«««angle quotation mark (left)
­­­soft hyphen
®®®registered trademark
¯¯¯spacing macron
²²²superscript 2
³³³superscript 3
´´spacing acute
···middle dot
.¸¸spacing cedilla
ª¹¹superscript 1
ººmasculine ordinal indicator
»»»angle quotation mark (right)
1/4¼¼fraction 1/4
1/2½½fraction 1/2
3/4¾¾fraction 3/4
¿¿inverted question mark

ISO-8859-1 Characters

The higher part of ISO-8859-1 (codes from 192-255, except 215 and 247) contains characters used in Western European countries.

Character Entity Number Entity Name Description
ÀÀÀcapital a, grave accent
ÁÁÁcapital a, acute accent
ÂÂÂcapital a, circumflex accent
ÃÃÃcapital a, tilde
ÄÄÄcapital a, umlaut mark
ÅÅÅcapital a, ring
ÆÆÆcapital ae
CÇÇcapital c, cedilla
EÈÈcapital e, grave accent
EÉÉcapital e, acute accent
EÊÊcapital e, circumflex accent
EËËcapital e, umlaut mark
IÌÌcapital i, grave accent
IÍÍcapital i, acute accent
IÎÎcapital i, circumflex accent
IÏÏcapital i, umlaut mark
ÐÐÐcapital eth, Icelandic
ÑÑÑcapital n, tilde
OÒÒcapital o, grave accent
OÓÓcapital o, acute accent
OÔÔcapital o, circumflex accent
OÕÕcapital o, tilde
OÖÖcapital o, umlaut mark
ØØØcapital o, slash
UÙÙcapital u, grave accent
UÚÚcapital u, acute accent
UÛÛcapital u, circumflex accent
UÜÜcapital u, umlaut mark
YÝÝcapital y, acute accent
ÞÞÞcapital THORN, Icelandic
ßßßsmall sharp s, German
aààsmall a, grave accent
aáásmall a, acute accent
aââsmall a, circumflex accent
aããsmall a, tilde
aääsmall a, umlaut mark
aååsmall a, ring
aææsmall ae
cççsmall c, cedilla
eèèsmall e, grave accent
eéésmall e, acute accent
eêêsmall e, circumflex accent
eëësmall e, umlaut mark
iììsmall i, grave accent
iíísmall i, acute accent
iîîsmall i, circumflex accent
iïïsmall i, umlaut mark
ððsmall eth, Icelandic
nññsmall n, tilde
oòòsmall o, grave accent
oóósmall o, acute accent
oôôsmall o, circumflex accent
oõõsmall o, tilde
oöösmall o, umlaut mark
øøsmall o, slash
uùùsmall u, grave accent
uúúsmall u, acute accent
uûûsmall u, circumflex accent
uüüsmall u, umlaut mark
yýýsmall y, acute accent
þþþsmall thorn, Icelandic
yÿÿsmall y, umlaut mark

Variants of ISO-8859

Character set Description Covers
ISO-8859-1Latin alphabet part 1North America, Western Europe, Latin America, the Caribbean, Canada, Africa
ISO-8859-2Latin alphabet part 2Eastern Europe
ISO-8859-3Latin alphabet part 3SE Europe, Esperanto, miscellaneous others
ISO-8859-4Latin alphabet part 4Scandinavia/Baltics (and others not in ISO-8859-1)
ISO-8859-5Latin/Cyrillic part 5The languages that are using a Cyrillic alphabet such as Bulgarian, Belarusian, Russian and Macedonian
ISO-8859-6Latin/Arabic part 6The languages that are using the Arabic alphabet
ISO-8859-7Latin/Greek part 7The modern Greek language as well as mathematical symbols derived from the Greek
ISO-8859-8Latin/Hebrew part 8The languages that are using the Hebrew alphabet
ISO-8859-9Latin 5 part 9The Turkish language. Same as ISO-8859-1 except Turkish characters replace Icelandic ones
ISO-8859-10Latin 6 Lappish, Nordic, EskimoThe Nordic languages
ISO-8859-15Latin 9 (aka Latin 0)Similar to ISO-8859-1 but replaces some less common symbols with the euro sign and some other missing characters
ISO-2022-JPLatin/Japanese part 1The Japanese language
ISO-2022-JP-2Latin/Japanese part 2The Japanese language
ISO-2022-KRLatin/Korean part 1The Korean language