tutorial pengembangan web terbaru

Properti link rel

Link Referensi Obyek Link Object


Kembali hubungan antara dokumen saat ini dan dokumen terkait:

var x = document.getElementById("myLink").rel;

Hasil x akan:

Cobalah sendiri "

Definisi dan Penggunaan

Rel set properti atau mengembalikan daftar ruang yang dipisahkan yang mendefinisikan hubungan antara dokumen saat ini dan dokumen terkait.

Dukungan Browser

Internet ExplorerFirefoxOperaGoogle ChromeSafari

Properti rel didukung di semua browser utama.

Catatan: Nilai "search" tidak didukung di Opera atau Safari.

Catatan: Nilai "sidebar" tidak didukung di IE, Safari, atau Chrome.


Kembali properti rel:

linkObject .rel

Mengatur properti rel:

linkObject .rel=relationship

Nilai properti

Value Description
alternate Linked page is an alternative version of the current document
appendix Linked page is the appendix page for the current document
chapter Refers to a chapter
contents Linked page is the table of contents for the current document
copyright Linked page is the copyright/policy for the current document
glossary Linked page is the glossary page for the current document
help Linked page is the help page for the current document
index Linked page is the index page for the current document
next Refers to the next page
offline Refers to a location that contains a path to the CDF file
prev Refers to the previous page
search Refers to an XML file in OpenSearch description format
section Link to a section in a list of documents
shortcut icon Refers to an icon location
sidebar Refers to the bookmark panel
start Refers to the first page (used by search engines to show the first page)
stylesheet Linked page is the style sheet for the current document
subsection Linked page is a subsection for the current document

Rincian teknis

Kembali Nilai: Sebuah String, yang mewakili daftar dipisahkan dengan spasi dari jenis hubungan

Pages terkait

Referensi HTML: HTML <link> atribut rel

Link Referensi Obyek Link Object