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HTML <basefont> color Attribute

< HTML <basefont> tag


Specify a default font-color for text on page:

<basefont color="red">

<h1>This is a heading</h1>
<p>This is a paragraph.</p>
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Definition and Usage

The color attribute specifies the default font color for the text in a document.

Browser Support

color Not supported Not supported Not supported Not supported Not supported

Note: The color attribute is only supported in Internet Explorer 9, and earlier versions.

Compatibility Notes

The color attribute of <basefont> is not supported in HTML5. Use CSS instead.

CSS syntax (in the <head> section): <style>body{color:red}</style>

CSS Example: Specify a default font color for a page

In our CSS tutorial you can find more details about the text color property.


<basefont color="color_name|hex_number|rgb_number">

Attribute Values

Value Description
color_name Specifies the font color with a color name (like "red")
hex_number Specifies the font color with a hex code (like "#ff0000")
rgb_number Specifies the font color with an rgb code (like "rgb(255,0,0)")

< HTML <basefont> tag