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HTML DOM adoptNode() Method

< Document Object


Adopt the first <h1> element that appears in an iframe (another document):

var frame = document.getElementsByTagName("IFRAME")[0]
var h = frame.contentWindow.document.getElementsByTagName("H1")[0];
var x = document.adoptNode(h);
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Definition and Usage

The adoptNode() method adopts a node from another document.

The adopted node can be of all node types.

Note: All child nodes (descendants), if any, of the adopted node, are also adopted.

Note: The original node (and its child nodes, if any) is removed from the other document.

Tip: Use the document.importNode() method to copy a node, without removing it, from another document.

Tip: Use the element.cloneNode() method to copy a node, without removing it, from the current document.

Browser Support

The numbers in the table specify the first browser version that fully supports the method.

adoptNode() Yes 9.0 3.0 Yes 9.0



Parameter Values

Parameter Type Description
node  Node object Required. The node from another document. Can be of any node type

Technical Details

Return Value: A Node object, representing the adopted node
DOM Version Core Level 3 Document Object

< Document Object